I sit here at 9:37 am with nothing I have to do! A BUSY week of camp is done and I can breathe again. The kids are playing nicely!!! together upstairs. I have no daycare and no agenda for today. Wow! I just made myself chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast and will contemplate reading? blog surfing? flylady catch-up? This is strange. There is so much I want to journal about though. It's been another crazy month and since we were up to TBay we haven't really caught up yet. But it will come. One day at a time. And for now I will enjoy the peace - for as long as it lasts!
Suffice it to say that saying that I have/had nothing to do today didn't go over well on the homefront. Not when the garage is a shambles, there is clutter everywhere (albeit somewhat organized on shelving - and hey - I am working on it!) and the plastic bags for recycling are driving someone sufficiently nuts. Lesson learned. It was more that I didn't have a specific deadline for anything right then but have no fear - I do now. Those plastic bags will be out by the morning! And it looks like tomorrow will be a garage day. It may have been short but it sure was sweet! Sorry hun!
Over and out!
2012 - P366 Week 5
13 years ago