Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Easing into routine
I was saying to Drew that this schedule looks like it might work well - I have every other day where I can nap more if needed since the kids are at school and the baby and I will be alone, and the opposite days are longer with the extra kids. By the time the kids are out of school in June we should have a better night time routine in place that will coincide more with the kids and the daily routine. Oh how I hope so! Otherwise, so far so good!
Monday, March 29, 2010
We're Home!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Welcome Baby M-3!
At that point we were still not completely sure on the name for him. Both of us (although we hadn't voiced it) had had a feeling I was carrying a girl. I guess not. We had narrowed it down to a few names for boys and finally decided on Mitchell Alexander. Not for any particular reason other then it was an M name and we liked it.
A little history...The boy's name Mitchell \m(i)-tche-ll, mit-chell\ is pronounced MITCH-el. It is of Middle English origin. Variant of Michael, via the Norman French Michel. Surname used in the Middle Ages, and transferred as a given name in the 19th century. Band leader Mitch Miller.
Mitchell has 4 variant forms: Mitch, Mitchel, Mitchill and Mytch. It means Who is Like God.
Baby names that sound like Mitchell are Michele and Micheal.
Mitchell is a very common first name for men (#222 out of 1220) and also a very common last name for both men and women (#41 out of 88799). (1990 U.S. Census)
The boy's name Alexander \a-lexa-nder, alex(an)-der\ is pronounced al-ek-ZAN-der. It is of Greek origin, and its meaning is "man's defender, warrior". From the Latin form of the Greek name Alexandros. The name was probably coined originally as a title of the goddess Hera, consort of Zeus. Alexander the Great (356-323 BC) conquered and ruled the greater part of the known world before his death at the age of 33. History describes him as a man of high physical courage, impulsive energy, and fervid imagination. It was a royal name in Scotland. Alec and Zander are modern offshoots. Sandy is a Scottish pet form; Alessandro is an Italian form; Alexandre and Alixandre are French. See also Lexer. English poet Alexander Pope; American statesman Alexander Hamilton; actors Sir Alec Guinness, Alec Baldwin; American Secretary of State Alexander Haig; Soviet writer and dissident Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn; writer Alexandre Dumas.
Marlee was a little unsure of the name we picked. She has a classmate who's name is Mitchell who she is actually really good friends with and who lately has wanted to "kiss" her. She's not too impressed with that and was concerned that he would think she liked him and chose his name for the baby. We had to reassure her that she didn't pick the name but she could tell him that WE did. It actually worked out well because the next day he was sick anyway and she was able to get used to the name before telling him.

Saturday, March 20, 2010
Before and After

Thursday, March 18, 2010
My Husband is actually pretty funny
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Happy St Patrick's Day!

Happy St Patrick's Day to you all! We were a little more downscaled then last year but we did have a few decorations up and the kids asked for green pancakes for breakfast. They forgot about the lucky charms - which is good because I forgot about buying some. We did all wear the requisite green. Hope it was a lovely green day for everyone!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Monday, March 15, 2010
The boy loves trees!
Gut-busting laughter
Thanks for the memories Kristy and I'm so glad we're still friends!
Friday, March 12, 2010

Marlee learned to ride her two wheeler today! Just before our first snow in the fall I realized that she was pretty much balanced on her bike and the training wheels were air born. We talked about taking off her training wheels and then we got snow. With the sidewalks finally fairly dry this week we gave it a go. She took maybe two walks with me beside her and then she was off. And so calm about it! She hasn't wanted to go up the hill which is understandable but even the last bit you could tell she was getting tired and I just said - "What do you think - should we finish up now - are you tired?" She agreed and that was it. Man she's growing up fast!
Diaper discussion
So anyway, I met with Lisa today, who apparently MAKES all of the diapers herself! They looked to be of great quality and the price is comparable to buying disposables. I am still totally on board with trying to go as diaper free (using elimination communication) as much as possible but I realize that I still have to have something around. I can't wait to see how this works out.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
2 more weeks!!!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Tremblant getaway

Friday, March 5, 2010
Another LOAD recap and a new direction

Monday, March 1, 2010
February 2010 Recap
Exercise – I’m still did my weekly 52 card pick up with Rina and I’m definitely counting my daily walks to and from school (Although I have driven more lately =()
Books/ Magazines Read – scrapbooks etc magazine; CK magazine; reading Diaper Free
Entertainment - TV/ Movies Seen – Masada, LOST, Horton Hears a Who; Olympics; Survival Special;
Special Events – kids skiing lessons on Sundays; parent council (2nd), Church hiring committee; church storage meetings; Winterfest (6th); Superbowl Party (7th); Family Day (15th); Dinner out with friends; Marlee – birthday parties to Grace (20th) and Isabella (27th); Matt to John’s birthday party (28th);
Travel – n/a
Significant Purchases/ changes – garage loft done;
Health – Cierra – eye appointment (8th); kids sick (14-15th); 32-35 weeks pregnant – general fatigue (not bad); itchy; swollen hands developing (Carpal tunnel); heartburn in last week; some sciatica
Accomplishments – LOAD Feb2010 (See LOAD post)