Awww - a sleeping baby! A successful transfer to the carseat for a sleep (doesn't happen often yet!)
And then by the time school was done we had rain. Lots of it.
Still a good day.
ramblings of a (somewhat) daily nature...
And then by the time school was done we had rain. Lots of it.
Still a good day.
A memory I keep getting mixed up with this one? Back earlier that year, part of the big maple on out front lawn came down on the balcony. Fast forward to August and we ended up "entertaining" some people who came by to help out with the wreckage from the tornado. One helped cut up the tree while another helped my mom plaster the hallway with the scaffolding. I remember her telling us that she had prayed that no one would come by this weekend - she had so much work to do. God had a plan that helped her get it all done anyway and meet some nice people. For some reason I keep thinking it all happened the weekend of the tornado. Why? I don't know. I've never been known for my memory-keeping skills. Hopefully this will help me keep it clearer.
On a completely unrelated note other then memory Monday - prayers and thoughts go out to Kim, Kerry and all their family who are missing Jon, gone now for a year. Blessings guys.
You are still preferring to spend most of your time with mommy. We have fussy periods later at night but you are having a hard time going down on your own. You have slept once or twice on your own during the day. We tend to snuggle together and cluster feed in the late evenings until mommy goes to bed (and sleeping with us allows mommy some sleep too). Daddy is lots of help but you often don't want him. We are using cloth diapers and they are working well but you pee A LOT! We are also trying EC - lots of successes but it isn't always easy to read your cues. We aren't on much of a schedule but mommy enjoys using the laptop so we can spend lots of time together. We get out to walk every day to get the other kids from school. You enjoy the clings and Andrea's flat stroller that you can lie down in. I wouldn't say that you have much of a routine at this point. You are certainly loved from all around though!
[Journaling added Feb 9, 2011!]
The journaling reads:
Sadly, we finally had to say goodbye to Cierra’s HM backpack this week. We purchased it at the beginning of the school year but slowly it has been deteriorating over the last while. First the handle came off, then the strap has just about come off, and finally the zipper pulled apart. To say it was loved would be an understatement. Cierra used it not only for school but no matter where we were going you could be sure that she would ask “Backpack?” Given the answer, you can be sure that all of the magazines, CD’s and movies that were current favourites would be stuffed in there to go wherever we were off to. Lately she has been asking for a New Moon one (which I have yet to see in the stores). We are thinking however, that at 20 we may go with a more subtle one - and one that might last a little longer. Rest assured though, HM will be missed.
Journaling reads: It’s been over a year now since we lost Ralph. I think about him a lot - our Sunday night dinners with mom and dad, his high raised hand and hand shake greeting, his too big cowboy boots, his traffic vest and his regular questions about our family. I learned a lot about Ralph at his funeral. A lot I wished I’d known earlier. About how he’d gotten to know my dad and the number of people he had affected in our city. I knew he knew a lot of people but it was so touching to see SO many people at his funeral. I learned a lot about my dad too. About his relationship with his own brother and how Ralph filled a bit of that void that I never realized was there. About how truly gracious he is and what a role model he can be - for working with people with special needs and touching people’s lives in amazing ways.
Dad performed the funeral and in summary noted the following:
Ralph lived a life of faith & hope. He was always ready to tell his story. He always asked for prayer (often at inappropriate times – but really is there ANY inappropriate time?). He was always so thankful for what people did for him (to the point of embarrassment). He still had a goal to live on his own (totally) and he still wanted to get married.
Thank you Ralph for your testimony and your presence in our lives. We miss you! Thank you dad for your role model and for your grace. You have and continue to touch lives.
“Keep on loving each other as brothers and sisters. Don't forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it!"
Hebrews 13:1-2
QP template danielle_moy@yahoo.com danimoy designs
font - Comic Sans MS
photos #1 - 08 09 07; #2 - 07 12 25; #3 - 09 01 05
Day 6:
Source: Delicious Scraps QP
Day 7
Here is Day 4 - Simply irresistible
I think I'm going to go back and see if I can move the letter stickers. I couldn't space them out as much as the original design once I got going but now I'm thinking....
Sources: Bazzill Basics paper, letter stickers unknown and chipboard letters? dollarstore.
Scraplifted from scrapbooks etc July 2007 p 104
And to answer the other Cardstock questions:
1. In terms of base coloured cardstock - I tend to match the photos but my favourites tend to be neutrals 9 black, white and tan of some sort.
2. Yes I try to match some elements of the photo with the cardstock.
3. Sometimes I mat sometimes I don't. I'd say more often I do.
4. I'm an 8.5 x 11 more often if I want to print out the journaling on the paper or run something through the computer. I'll often put the 8.5x11 on a 12x12 background after I've printed. If I have more photos I tend to be a 12x12.
5. If I had to choose one colour cardstock - I'm ALWAYS using white. For journaling, for matting for background. That would have to be it.
There you have it!
And where were the kids during this? Playing with Bendaroos, making a scavenger hunt for Kyra with the playdough eggs and then playing with playdough. And now, we are doing tidy up and about ready for lunch and Mitchell is about done his! Let's hope the afternoon goes just as well!
Source: DAGI (http://dagiblog.blogspot.com/)