[Another month come and gone - AND late to record. Thank goodness for backdating!]
It’s that time again! Another month has passed us by and it is time for a recap. So why do I do this? First of all my memory is terrible and often find myself wondering when such and such happened. Second of all I love lists and information. Third of all I believe I am a type A personality. Enough said.
Here's a look at our month:
Entertainment – what we’re looking at , listening to and going to!
Books, Magazines, Blogs read:
· Finished audible book Animal, Vegetable, Mineral by Barbara Kingsolver. I really enjoyed this book and it goes right alongside a lot of the other reading and listening I’ve been doing this past month. I am reading and investigating being more of a locavore and this book was very encouraging. I found her reasoning for eating meat versus becoming a vegetarian in Ch14 very intriguing and insightful. I’m going back to the paper version to reread parts.
· Hiding Edith – I saw this book at the kids book fair and signed it out from the library. It is a junior non-fiction about a girl that was hidden during the holocaust. I find these stories fascinating and this one was no exception. It is part of a series so I plan to read more.
· Perusing Scrapbooks etc but finding there wasn’t a lot of time for magazines this month – e-versions preferred.
· I finished all of the back posts for http://www.zerowastehome.blogspot.com/ – huge inspiration. It has also led to a few other links http://www.100daysofrealfood.com/ http://zerowastelifestyle.blogspot.com/
· I’m still keeping up with my top10 as well although more like my top 5!
TV, Movies, Live Entertainment:
· Being Erica and Arrested Development were all we had time for. I also found we just sat and did internet searching a few times together
· We did watch Shrek 3, HSM 2 and Star Wars together AGAIN! Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2 (better than I thought it would be!)
Daily Happenings& Special Events:
· Cierra in Spring Fever dance for school and city
· Waterfront Festival with church (RAIN!!!)
· Theoren’s 8th birthday party at their house (gave him a tetherball set); Cierra hurt ankle
· Celebrated Don’s birthday with family
· Sexuality workshop at work
· Great Wolf Lodge (7-8th)
· Dinner with girls (Beaches) (8th)
· Church golf tournament (11th)
· Church bridal shower (12th)
· Mom out to lunch for Mother’s Day/ birthday
· Cierra prom! (17th)
· Matt to L’s 9th birthday party – gave $25 Toys ‘R Us gift card and smarties
· Cierra graduated! (29th)
Travel (1 hr plus):
· Cobourg (4th-5th)
· Niagara Falls (7-8th)
Financial/ changes to the house etc.:(gifts, renos, big purchases, household purchases)
· Pool opened (5th –cover, 9th – chemicals)
· Consultation for painting first floor!
Health/Development/ Exercise/ Extra Curricular activities:
Drew: baseball, running
Alison: *, walking, running
Cierra: hurt ankle*; x-rays, CT scan; Dr appointment
Matt: baseball-baseball-baseball!!!
Marlee: Mitchell: 3 new molars (15th, 18th, 27th); walking!; EC – a few dry nights! Sleeping a few 5 hour stretches otherwise the same. Liking to eat more casserole type foods – all mixed together. Loving strawberries and grapes and processed snacks – working on that!
Accomplishments/ Disappointments (Goals): (Gotta Do’s, Wanna do’s; OLW, projects)
· Dinner out – Puck ‘N Pizza (used Wag Jag), Il Buco (used Wag Jag)
· Crock-pot recipe for chicken and mushroom soup
· More purging!
· New/ revisited foods – fiddle heads – yuck! And iced tea – yuck; rhubarb – not bad!
All Around Us/ Other (News, Trends, Births, Deaths, World Events, City News Etc): nothing comes to mind
2012 - P366 Week 5
13 years ago