Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Monday, February 27, 2012
Sunday, February 26, 2012
And yet again in March 2010 we added our last blessing.
While we had thought another would be awesome,
we assumed our family was complete.
It appears that God has other plans.
Yey!Due July 2012.
Stay tuned for more details.
(let's see which family member reads this first lol!)
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Saturday, February 18, 2012
We have a new arrival!

We got him on Valentine's Day. He is a yellow lab. He is 4 1/2 years old. His origianl owners are from Europe and needed to return. They would have had to quaranteen he and his sister for 6 months so they preferred to find new owners. They did but then just before they had to leave it didn't work out. They contacted their vet who is also the vet for a friend of ours. Our friend was willing to take them both until new owners could be found. We decided we could be those new owners. To one. But we know where his sister Hershey went so they can remain friends. Or siblings. Or however that works in dogland.
Anyway. We have a dog.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Childhood memory album S family - web
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
1997 Dec Drew & Alison Amora
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Monday, February 13, 2012
Me in 1984 (Al) for web
Friday, February 10, 2012
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Monday, February 6, 2012
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
January 2012 Wrap-up

It’s that time again! Another month has passed us by and it is time for a wrap-up. So why do I do this? First of all my memory is terrible and often find myself wondering when such and such happened. Second of all I love lists and information. Third of all I believe I am a type A personality. Let's just say that I like to see my life all wrapped up, nice and tidy with a bow. Enough said.
Books, Magazines, Blogs read:
Book of Awesome – I finally finished this! It was a really good easy –pickup/put down read but I am glad to have completed it. It definitely brought some ah ha moments and some good laughs. I added several new things to my list of awesome.
I don’t think I really read any magazines this month and the blogs I perused were the usuals – ones I receive through email and some from my favourite 10. This list is changing as my time available and interests continue to change. I will probably have to update it for 2012.
The Mailbox by Mary Beth Whalen – a nice easy to read Christian fiction. I ordered this through interlibrary loan. It has questions at the end for discussion. I’ve read the author’s blog off and on and she does devotions for Proberbs31 Ministries.
TV, Movies, Live Entertainment: We watched lots this month – we must have been on holiday or something!
TV – Bones, iCarly (Netflix)
Movies – Julie and Julia; Free Willy 4; Margaret’s Museum; Nanny McPhee Returns; Superman 1,2,3; Mars Needs Moms
Live – The girls all went to see Mary Poppins in Toronto. We really enjoyed it although I have to say that Mary’s voice was so different from Julie Andrews it was hard to get used to. It was much more operish than I had anticipated. The sets and the dancing were incredible and the girls were very glad to be able to have snacks in the theatre. On a down side note, I left my favourite black hat there.
Daily Happenings & Special Events:
Jan 4- Toronto for Mary Poppins and Hockey Hall of Fame for the boys and Poppa
Jan 5 – Marlee to M’s spa birthday party (crafts- stamping and scrapbooking supplies)
Jan 13 – Cierra’s ELP with everyone
Jan 20-21 – Drew at church leaders retreat
Jan 26 – Drew and Matt to Colt’s game with D & B H
Jan 27 – Marlee to C slumber birthday party ($25 Toys R Us gift card, candy)
Jan 28 – W cousins up for visit
Other – Barrielicious x3 places; family dinners and small group all got together
Travel (1 hr plus): n/a
Financial/ changes to the house etc.: (gifts, renos, big purchases, household purchases)
Treadmill and elliptical serviced
New table for kitchen (8 seater)
Health/Development/ Exercise/ Extra Curricular Activities:
Alison: walking, elliptical, *
Cierra: swimming, bowling
Matt: hockey, skiing
Marlee: lost her left top incisor (#11)(15th); skiing
Accomplishments/ Disappointments (Goals - Gotta Do’s, Wanna do’s; OLW, projects)
Gotta Do’s officially finished although I still haven’t “concluded” it; reading about Clutter Challenge with a Christian perspective; Started Twelve and Move More, Eat Less; 2012 goals going really well; got 2011 year end photos up