Here's a look at our month:
Entertainment – what we’re looking at, listening to and going to!
Books, Magazines, New Blogs read:
Sarah's Key (click on photo for description)

TV, Movies, Live Entertainment:
Smurfs (drive-in)
Blind Side (DVD)
Gilmore Girls - episodes of season one
Baby for Sale (DVD)
Daily Happenings & Special Events:
Drive in with W's (1st)
Baseball tournament in Thorald (2nd, 3rd)*
Marineland (4th)*
School started (6th)
Port Dover with Nana, Poppa, Melissa (10th)*
Visit to Ben, Rachel (10th)
Fall kick off at church (11th)
Cierra started day program (12th)
Marlee to Kiera's birthday party at Bulldog Fitness (17th)
Terry Fox run (18th)
Bridal shower at church for Sue (18th)
Matt to birthday party at Retro Planet (22nd)
Travel (1hr plus): *see above
Financial/ changes to the house etc.:(gifts, renos, big purchases, household purchases)
Ben, Rachel $50 gift card
Kierra - barbie movie, cash
Pool closed (35th)
Health/Development/ Exercise/ Extra Curricular Activities:
Drew: running
Alison:* Dr appt (20th), running/ walking
Cierra: bike riding
Matt: baseball, hockey, fishing
Marlee: lost tooth top right; Dr appt (20th)
Mitchell: Dr appt (20th); 18 months – lots of mom, da, vrmmm (transportation), tsss (animals); sleep about the same – 1.5 hour nap daily; down for bed at 9/9:30 for 3-4 hours then in bed with us; fidgety and nursing from 5-7ish until I get out of bed; eating - likes bananas, grapes, apples, granola with yogurt; carbs; lots of nursing; fetches things, helping to get dressed, likes shoes; puts things away, identifies favourite dog; loves to watch cars outside, digital frame; cars and balls are favourites; EC about the same – catches after sleep, a few poops
Accomplishments/ Disappointments (Goals - Gotta Do’s, Wanna do’s; OLW, projects) All Around Us/ Other (News, Trends, Births, Deaths, World Events, City News Etc):
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