Last night Drew and I and my mom and dad saw Michael W Smith at Copps Coliseum. We had a great time together - we went down early and grabbed a bite to eat (meeting a few other concert goers) (their treat so even better!) and then on to the concert for 6pm. 4 different groups opened before Smitty - none of which I had heard before - but which I will definitely look into downloading some of their music. We really liked High Valley - a brother's band from northern Alberta that sing modern Christian country - is that what you call it??? Anyway, it was a great lead up to the man himself. Drew and I were trying to figure out when we last saw him - it was at Queensway Cathedral and it was before the kids. Smitty was very personable and talked well with the crowd, and sang a variety of songs - mostly from his latest album, some 'retro' to satisfy a large majority of the crowd and of course "Friends" which as he said, who would have thought he'd be singing that song for the rest of his life? He did "This is Your Time" which is one of my favourites - but then again, I could sing along with most of them so they were all good. I have to say there was something a little surreal about singing along with your parents beside you and hearing them thump the seats and catcall! We joked with dad on the way home about changing his worship roster for the morning to include some MWSmith but he had to see. Drew and I did feel that we liked the smaller more intimate venue of the Queensway - we were only a few rows back, it was just him playing the piano and one man on guitar I think. You could see the blue of his eyes... All in all a wonderful pause for reflection and worship last night. Thanks dad for the treat!