Happy Mother's Day Everyone!
I belive that everyone at our household outdid themselves this year. I awoke (lightly) just before 7 when the kids grabbed Drew to get out of bed. I tried to go back to sleep but was pretty much done (second day in a row I wasn't able to sleep in - not due to external circumstances!). So I began reading a new book (The Prince) until - surprise - not just 1 but 2 beautiful bouquets of roses (red and yellow) were given to me. A short while later, I was greeted with breakfast in bed (fruit salad, french toast, yogurt and juice). To day I actually stayed in bed to eat it. A while after that the gifts POURED in! The kids made lots of neat little cards and drawings - Marlee in particular so loves to draw. Matt made a cute photo frame with a picture of himself. I got a magazine, some additional running socks (yey - I needed some!), and a gift card to Chapters for 2 books they didn't have in stock that I wanted. WOW! I taught the Sunday School Lesson on Mother's Day, which I think went over well.
We focused on the 2 verses below:
"Honour your father and mother as the Lord your God has commanded you..." Deut 5:16
"Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also and praises her." Prov 30:28 We had a lot of fun and stepped out of the norm by not following a regular lesson plan per se. It also gave me a lot of time to pause and reflect on my job as a mother. That will be a talk for another day though.
After church I ran to the park on the lake where I met up with the kids to play for a bit. The kids ran a little further, then we stopped at the store for a few more ingredients for dinner. We all had a light lunch - snacking really, and then Marlee had Dad and her time and Matt and I played the Wii together. Dinner time broght grandma and grandpa over - complete with food. Dad provided beef stroganoff, and 3 different types of salad. Drew made peas, garlic bread and dessert. I think the best part of the day? Drew did all the dishes and cleaning up - right from last night until bedtime - and he helped make lunches. So nice!
All in all - what a lovely day!
2012 - P366 Week 5
13 years ago
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