On Sunday we found ourselves on our way to Thunder bay to celebrate the Life and Resurrection of my Grandpa Smith. He passed away on Thursday and after our committments and arrangements we started travelling on Sunday for the day and half drive.
Here is an example of my bone-headedness. We got The Shack on my ipod and decided to listen to it on the way up to Thunder Bay. It was working really well – I used the splitter so that both Drew and I could listen at the same time and it didn’t disturb the kids. We were about 17 chapters into it and well, we were both a little confused. I didn’t know anything about the story – the only thing I had heard was that “It gets a little strange in the middle but stick through til the end – it all works out”. “A different view of the God figure”. And it certainly did seem to be jumping around a lot. A few times I stopped it and asked Drew for clarification – to be sure I was following it right. Then all of a sudden it hit me. My ipod was on shuffle!!!! A chapter here a chapter there - or rather 1/2 chapter here and 1/2 a chapter there (the audio version is spilt into 54 "chapters", where the actual book has about 21? So we started over at the beginning and I have to say – it seems to be making a whole lot more sense this way!
2012 - P366 Week 5
13 years ago
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