Another Monthly recap - I've just moved all of my recap posts from my 365 blog to this blog so that I can keep it just for photos. I want to get it printed out and I found that just doesn't help with the flow.
As I have reviewed my past posts and worked at transferring them I've come to the following realization - I am not very consistent! My goal this year is to keep the style similar for each post (headings in the same order, maybe use colours etc) but be more consistent!
This also inspired me to actually go back and type out my yearly recaps since 1997 - the year we were married, all in chart form. I love lists and it was really interesting to see what all we've done! It helps to see everything all together!
Anyway, on to January's happenings!
Books Read:
- Blue Smoke
- Living Financially Free
- The Perfect Day
- The Carousel
Movies & Television Watched:
- Prison Break Season 4 completed
- NCIS, Office, 18 Kids, 30 Rock, Heroes
- Starter for 10
- Echelon Conspiracy
- The Invention of Lying
- Transformers
Special Events
-Julie D grad from OPP college
-Cierra first time down hill skiing
-Painting Party at church
-Jan birthday
-Matt skating lessons
Significant Purchases/ changes to home :
– debt, debt, debt
Illnesses/ Health concerns:
- Drew had 3 more moles removed
2012 - P366 Week 5
13 years ago
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