So I haven't explained it much yet (if at all?) but I am attempting to use elimination communication (EC) with Mitchell this time around. Basically aiming to go diaper free as soon as possible. I'll admit that it was a bit ambitious for me to think that I could attempt to start it from day one, in the hospital. Not when I could hardly move. So fast forward to day 5 when we got home and yes I've been trying to hold Mitchell and catch his "cues" as much as possible.
So far I have learned that he is a good pooper. He likes to go at least 2 or 3 times while I am nursing him. Therefore out came the potty and/or the silver bowl. Not the easiest to hold mind you but I'm getting better. The whole point is to see when he is going and to start "cueing" him with a sound or action - I've chosen a grunting noise for poop and a "Tsss" for peeing. I make these noises when he is going so that eventually when I hold him over the receptacle or toilet and "cue" - he will go on his own.
Fast forward to yesterday - he went on cue for me 4 times!!! Unbelievable! It was really quite cool. I don't know if we are at the point that this will save diapers (we've had to have the diaper service come early both weeks because we have used all the ones we have), but I feel we are making progress! Drew is not impressed that we used the sink so I'll have to work on that.
I've been reading two good books about the topic from the library and there are a few good websites if you google "elimination communication" or "diaper free". The books are Early Start Potty Training by Linda Sonna and Diaper Free! The Gentle Wisdom of Natural Infant Hygiene by Ingrid Bauer.
BTW, we also decided to go with a cloth diaper service (since there is one locally) and the experience so far has been worth it. As I mentioned, he goes through them rather quickly - often soiling one as I'm changing him! The service has been very accomodating but it does take some getting used to. When he wets he is definitly wet so I don't let him sit in it for long - if at all. This is actually supposed to help with the potty training though - not allowing him to get used to the feeling of being wet or dirty which disposables can sometimes do. Either way, I can tell that it is going to be an interesting learning experience.
2012 - P366 Week 5
13 years ago
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