is now 6!
What a difference between this year and last. She is so excited to have her birthday - especially at the cottage. She's been talking about it for months! We hadn't planned a huge deal - we've realized for her it is all about the time. We had a date planned for shopping and we also plan to get a new bike for her when we get home. We will also have a family get together when we get home.
As for our girl? What sums her up right now?
She loves barbies, Pet shop, my little pony, dressing up, Hannah Montana, High School Musical,
Notable quotables:
- what about if?
- are you my brudda?
- awesome!
- awkward!
- aminals
- I'm soo not doing that!
- boring!
- holy cow!
- for real life?
On our shopping date we started at the library where we signed out some more DVD's and books. She then wanted to walk through the mall, try all of the motorized toys and wishing wells.
We eventually made it to Zellers where she had a hard time picking out something she wanted. There was so much to see! I convinced her to not spend everything (she had $40) all at the first place and that if needed we could come back at the end. So we ended up getting some 3D crayola sidewalk chalk, HSM 2 DVD and some art supplies (for me).
After Zellers we headed to lunch - she chose MacDonald's which had a play land.
After a little play time (she was pretty much by herself) we then headed to Superstore where we had a bit more success. She chose a Pet Shop stuffed animal set, a pet shop in a little purse, bubbles and a My Little Pony set. We also happened to find the same crayola 3D chalk set for a third of the price (so we bought 3 - some for gifts). We also saw the perfect bike for $29! If only we had the room in the car to take it back home. We also picked up HSM 3 DVD for the family.
After the superstore we headed to the dollarstore and got some birthday supplies. She figured she had $3 left so she quickly spent that on a purse and some snacks. We got the typical balloons, streamers and napkins that she wanted as well. Gotta love the dollarstore!
Following the dollarstore we went to Salvation Army as I needed to drop off the printer for mom and dad. Of course we can't help but look and she fell in love with a little house that would fit her Polly pockets for $1. How can you go wrong? She also claimed a HSM2 game "for the family". I also found her 4 adorable skirts that looked like they had never been worn. She does like her clothes.
We decided to call it a day and headed back to camp shortly afterwards. Mitchell had been amazing all day and I don't think he really curtailed any of the action. At one point when I needed to nurse him in the car she said it was the worst day but after discussing it further she agreed that really it was quite good - and she had been excited for him to join us.
We did end up having enough time for tv when we got home (although it was Matt's pick since he had already started it) and she was content to eat dinner and stay up late. All in all I would say the day was a success!
As for the day of? Marlee awoke to balloons all over the floor and streamers hanging down to welcome her. She then had a scavenger hunt that took her to the shoe pile, the wood shed, the beach, the bathroom, the bedroom and finally the sauna for her present (jeans, pink pants, pink shirt and purple shirt) from grandma and grandpa. She also got $20 from her brother (yey more shopping!). She immediately went to get changed.
Mid afternoon our cousins and the neighbours came to hang out and celebrate.
Our cousins brought a princess cupcake cake

She is definitely growing up - no longer a baby, no longer a preschooler. She's only going to be a little girl for a little longer. [Sniff=(]
Happy birthday Marlee!
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