Unscramble the word to see where we are going to dinner tonight. God has given us so many wonderful people to fellowship with - people that we can in fact call family. Tell mom or dad the names of at least 5 different families that we fellowship with regularly.
We went to church for the annual Christmas dinner. It was an awesome roast beef and chicken dinner with broccoili, salads and potatoes. There was cake and apple crisp for dessert. The kdis did really well for an hour and then, well, they didn't. It is amazing how well they can get along with each other and then totally not. At this point they were not getting along and were well, a little rough with each other.
Picture: cradle
Scripture: Genesis 21: 1-7
Reading: Have you ever wanted something so much that you thought you would die if you didn't get it? It's so hard to be happy when we focus on the things we don't have, instead of the things we do have.
Sarah wanted a baby more than anything, but even though she prayed a lot and tried everything she could think of, she didn't have a baby. As she got older she finally decided that God would not give her a child. But then God gave Sarah a son, and she named him Isaac. Sarah was very happy and grateful to God for giving her a wonderful son when she had given up on her dream.
Talk about: How has God answered your prayers?
Prayer: Gracious God, thank you for answering our prayers.
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