Thursday, December 1, 2011
November 2011 Recap
Here's a look at our month:
Entertainment – what we’re looking at , listening to and going to!
Books, Magazines, Blogs read: no books, a few magazines and regular blogs
TV, Movies, Live Entertainment:
Planes, Trains and Automobiles (Netflix); Puss in Boots (theatre); Evil Thing (DVD); Dreamer (DVD); Barbie Charm School (DVD); Love Actually (Netflix);
Willy Wonka (live)
Daily Happenings & Special Events:
Visit to Adam and Amanda’s (5th)
Great Wolf Lodge (9th and 10th)
Marlee to A’s bday party (12th) *
Kim and Kerry drop-in (12th)
Kid’s teacher conferences (15th, 16th)
Drew to Promise Keepers (19th)
Santa Clause parade (19th)
Drew work Christmas (25th)
MSVS (26th)
Melissa work Christmas (27th)
Travel (1 hr plus): n/a
Financial/ changes to the house etc.:(gifts, renos, big purchases, household purchases): n/a
Health/Development/ Exercise/ Extra Curricular Activities:
Drew: Angus Glen 10k run; basketball
Alison: Angus Glen 10k run
Cierra: bowling
Matt: dentist (24th)
Marlee: art class on Saturdays; dentist (24th)
Mitchell: Dr visit (21st); fighting cough/ cold; affected sleep for several nights. His speech has not increased (same words as previously), he has used a few words in sign language this month (more, eat); sleep the same as October; really liking muffins, popcorn, yogurt; interests the same; EC about the same
Accomplishments/ Disappointments (Goals - Gotta Do’s, Wanna do’s; OLW, projects)
Alison – CPR course (12th)
Dinner to new baby George (23rd)
All Around Us/ Other (News, Trends, Births, Deaths, World Events, City News Etc): n/a
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
November to do list
After finishing up LOAD I find that I have neglected a few things around the house. The guys have been great and it was a very successful time for me (I find that I am much happier when I do have some 'me' time on a regular basis - and what better me time than scrapbooking?) however it time to get back to reality. For me that does not allow for scrapping every day of the year. Last year I found it really helpful to focus on my to do list for November. Tackle some of those things that I have been procrastinating on. Sooooo...
This is what I have come up with:
- Recap for Sept (yikes - how did I forget that?) and Oct
- Receipts
- Blog book (while the discount is still available)
- 1 Jessica Sprague layout
- Gotta do list update
- Print out family mission wordle style
- Add layouts to BPC classes gallery
- Pantry shelf - Drew
- Part for bike stroller
- Something on kijiji or ebay
- Tickets for Mary Poppins and Willy Wonka
- Catch up on safe church names
- Purge at least 5 boxes full
- Get caught up on family binders
- LOAD recap
- LSNED recap or layout
- Purge kids school stuff
So hopefully this is not an outrageous list. There is definitly some doable things here. Off to get started. Wish me luck!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
October 2011 Recap
Entertainment – what we’re looking at , listening to and going to!
Books, Magazines, Blogs read:
TV, Movies, Live Entertainment:
Gilmore Girls (finished season one)
Alex, the Life of a Child (VHS TV movie)
Parenthood (Netfix)
Not much reading or tv because of LOAD; perused regular blogs
Daily Happenings & Special Events:
Dinner with Nickell’s (8th)
Church meeting – survey (11th)
Bowling (Groupon) (19th)
Rounds Ranch with Small group (22nd)
Church baby shower (23rd)/ Marlee to Carson’s birthday
Matt to Josh’s birthday (24th)
Al taught Safe church presentation (25th)
Funeral (28th)
Church harvest dinner (29th)
Halloween/ Light the Night (30th)
Travel (1 hr plus): n/a
Financial/ changes to the house etc.:(gifts, renos, big purchases, household purchases)
Carson – ball making kit, gazzoobles kit
Josh - $25 pot of gold ELM gift
Health/Development/ Exercise/ Extra Curricular Activities:
Drew: council; ½ marathon (16th)
Alison: run/ walk; dentist (11th); 10K (16th)
Cierra: biking (wipeout – 7th);BRumble volunteering; dentist (11th); bowling Mondays(Spec Olympics)
Matt: hockey; shoot the puck (Fridays)
Marlee: Art Start (Saturdays)
Mitchell: 19 months – speech about the same – lots of mom, da, vrmmm (transportation), tsss (animals); sleep about the same – 1.5 hour nap daily; down for bed at 9 for 3-4 hours then in bed with us; fidgety and nursing from 5-7ish until I get out of bed; eating – not a tonne; likes bananas and granola with yogurt; carbs and fruit still lots of nursing though; fetches things, helps get dressed, puts things away, identifies pictures; LOVES cars; EC about the same – catches after sleep, a few poops; grabbing self after he’s gone
Accomplishments/ Disappointments (Goals - Gotta Do’s, Wanna do’s; OLW, projects)
LOAD; OLW loaded to site; working on going through slides
All Around Us/ Other (News, Trends, Births, Deaths, World Events, City News Etc):
Warren M died (27th) 4 weeks since diagnosis
Thursday, October 27, 2011
LOAD1110 - Day 27
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Monday, October 24, 2011
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Friday, October 21, 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
We went and saw a movie put on by the BFilm Festival tonight.
Then I started thinking about the movie Taken where this happens to teenage girls on a fun trip. That lead me to thinking about my exchange trip in high school and how I'd love for our kids to do that but is it now too dangerous? Would I let them go without us there with them? I did some really stupid stuff when I went. If I did that today???
There are so many causes - which do you choose? Healthy living for our own kids? One or two children through Compassion or World Vision? Family as a whole through Focus on the Family? Local giving in our community? Do you give now or work to pay down your debt so that we can give more later? How do I keep from forgetting? How do we protect our kids?
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Monday, October 17, 2011
The best Monday ever....
I have to admit that I don't recall a best Monday but I do like Mondays in general. After busy weekends with the kids home it is nice to get back into routine, start a list and get back into being productive for the day. I also really enjoy the quiet. I have really enjoyed reading these memory Monday prompts from Simple Scrapper and also from Katie the Scrapbook Lady - they are great reminders to look at the past or do some sharing and to get the story down.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Saturday, October 15, 2011
The Look - LOAD1110 - Day15
Friday, October 14, 2011
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
4 seasons - LOAD1110 - Day12

Tuesday, October 11, 2011
2 months - M3 - LOAD1110 - Day11
Monday, October 10, 2011
Celebrate Monday | Celebrate Memories - Sundays
Today's prompt is about Sundays...
Sundays in our family has always been about church. Rest. Family. When I was little, my dad was the minister at our church so the mornings started early with him out the door to the church behind our house. We followed down the lane in our Sunday best (not really that fancy but church clothes none-the-less). We had our set spot to sit as a family in the sanctuary. We tended to be among the last to leave the church, staying for coffee hour and clean up.
After lunch I do remember lots of family times - walks in the woods, board games, outside time.
As I entered highschool and our family was going through some career changes, I found that I tended to work more on Sundays. I worked at a group home for individuals with special needs. Sunday shopping had just been introduced which we felt (as a church and as a family) wasn't necessary or good for the family unit. The group homes still needed to be staffed though and that worked for me. I think it actually turned out to be an escape for me, as well as a welcome way to save money for school - both during highschool and university. Church was still a given if I was able to attend but the afternoons fluctuated between meeting with friends, doing things at home and still the odd family activity. It has since become a favourite nap time for my mom!
Now that we have our own young family, Sundays continue to evolve for us. Church is a given (unless I have to attend by myself - which with Mitchell's schedule means I am in the nursery with him for the time being - not much point for the other kids since I can't be with them). We are still usually one of the last families to leave the church - for reasons I can't quite figure out. It really just boils down to us being slow I guess. Talking. Taking our time. Putting things away. You name it. All of a sudden everyone is gone but us.
Afternoons may involve the library as a family since we pass it on the way home from church. A few times I've taken Marlee to the art museum for a family art class. It is one of the things that seems to truly interest her and is something we can do together or with Cierra. Then I hate to admit it but quite often we get chores done during the remainder of the afternoon. It is a time when Drew is home and the time is not taken up by hockey or other extra-curricular activities. We try to do something outside or perhaps watch a movie together. At least we are together. In the winter time we head out as a family to go skiing - lessons for the kids and free ski for Drew and I and a family friend. We all go out for a few runs together after the lessons.
The evening closes with dinner with my family. Usually they come over to our house, taking turns bringing or having dinner. On skiing days we go there. We usually go late into the evening, catching up on family news and then rush to get the kids in bed.
After the kids are all in bed, ideally I like Sundays to plan the upcoming week and to wind down. Extra-curricular activities, work schedules, meal planning and to do lists. Get the week off to a good start and finish off the last week by filing what we did. Then we collapse to watch some TV before bed.
That, in a nutshell (a long one at that), is how we spend our Sundays - past and present.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
LOAD1110 - Days 7, 8 and 9
7 months - M3 - LOAD1110 - Day7
Another layout to add to Mitchell's monthly size comparison album.

Thursday, October 6, 2011
8 months (M3) - LOAD1110 - Day6
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Monday, October 3, 2011
A Christmas Tradition - LOAD1110 - Day3
5 months - LOAD1110 - Day2
Saturday, October 1, 2011
September 2011 Recap
Here's a look at our month:
Entertainment – what we’re looking at, listening to and going to!
Books, Magazines, New Blogs read:
Sarah's Key (click on photo for description)

TV, Movies, Live Entertainment:
Smurfs (drive-in)
Blind Side (DVD)
Gilmore Girls - episodes of season one
Baby for Sale (DVD)
Daily Happenings & Special Events:
Drive in with W's (1st)
Baseball tournament in Thorald (2nd, 3rd)*
Marineland (4th)*
School started (6th)
Port Dover with Nana, Poppa, Melissa (10th)*
Visit to Ben, Rachel (10th)
Fall kick off at church (11th)
Cierra started day program (12th)
Marlee to Kiera's birthday party at Bulldog Fitness (17th)
Terry Fox run (18th)
Bridal shower at church for Sue (18th)
Matt to birthday party at Retro Planet (22nd)
Travel (1hr plus): *see above
Financial/ changes to the house etc.:(gifts, renos, big purchases, household purchases)
Ben, Rachel $50 gift card
Kierra - barbie movie, cash
Pool closed (35th)
Health/Development/ Exercise/ Extra Curricular Activities:
Drew: running
Alison:* Dr appt (20th), running/ walking
Cierra: bike riding
Matt: baseball, hockey, fishing
Marlee: lost tooth top right; Dr appt (20th)
Mitchell: Dr appt (20th); 18 months – lots of mom, da, vrmmm (transportation), tsss (animals); sleep about the same – 1.5 hour nap daily; down for bed at 9/9:30 for 3-4 hours then in bed with us; fidgety and nursing from 5-7ish until I get out of bed; eating - likes bananas, grapes, apples, granola with yogurt; carbs; lots of nursing; fetches things, helping to get dressed, likes shoes; puts things away, identifies favourite dog; loves to watch cars outside, digital frame; cars and balls are favourites; EC about the same – catches after sleep, a few poops
Accomplishments/ Disappointments (Goals - Gotta Do’s, Wanna do’s; OLW, projects) All Around Us/ Other (News, Trends, Births, Deaths, World Events, City News Etc):
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Every little bit....
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Augsut 2011 Recap
Entertainment – what we’re looking at , listening to and going to!
Mitchell: Growing like a weed. Talking a bit more; lots of pointing; signing for car/truck; another tooth Aug 3rd (lower right); sleeping same as last month (did realize he is still getting 11.5 hrs/day); EC – a few successes as noted here but otherwise the same. He likes to do puzzles and stay on the potty but generally I am not seeing cues – just going on timing.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Anatomy of a 7 year old's birthday!
After she went to bed the real work began... decorating that is. Banners, balls and balloons, birthday card banner, and the table set for the morning.

And at the last minute (of course it was around midnight) I was inspired to add pictures of Marlee all over the house. I took out a pile of her photos from my card file (see Stacy Julian LOM) and a number of scrapbook pages I had made of her. I got to bed at 1:11.

And enlisted on the requested scavenger hunt which ended with her pot of gold at the end of the rainbow (she asked for money to go shopping with - together).

We later moved inside for some ice cream cake and cupcakes that the kids decorated...

And finally some pinata time. We had purchased the filling earlier in the week and it was Marlee's favourite activity. It was filled with wrapped candy, granola bars, rice krispie squares, welch's fruit snacks and raisins. A little healthy but all wrapped. (We are still making some concessions regarding the environment).