I've been mulling over my goals or resolutions for this year and came across a post by Katie the Scrapbook Lady. She instead discussed her goals as setting up her curriculum. It really resonated with me (and all that she had to say about overdoing the process lol!) . I tend to overdo theprocess, get a little ambitious and then burn out. There have been a few successful years where I had more attainable goals - and of course there are many that I am still working on. Anyway, I like the idea of a curriculum in terms of continuous learning as well and therefore here is my 'curriculum' for 2011:
One little word
My one little word this year is joy. I have been feeling like my family has been getting the short end of the stick with me lately and I want to show more joy. To them in particular. I also want to use it in the way to emphasize Jesus first; Others next and You last (as in me - last - which will be hard because I do tend to be quite selfish a lot.). I've got lots of little goals to help me along in this area but Ali's class at Big Picture Scrapbooking is already giving me excited heart flutterings.
Project 365
I am still contemplating this one. I love the outcome but I will admit that at times I am a little bored with the concept. Part of me wants to do the full binder version of Becky Higgins and include the daily pieces of life like receipts, scraps, drawings etc but I also know that if I don't keep up it will just get abandoned. The blog has helped me stay on top of this project even when I actually fall behind.
Yesterday Today
Another Ali Edwards class. All about getting down the memories from yesterday and today. If I had only one scrapbook album what stories would I want to tell? I don't have that album done and I want to. Stories of my childhood. Stories from my parents. Stories about what has made me the person I am today. Who I am and who I want to be. She can start me in the right direction.
LOAD February, May and October
Naturally. It's when I get my stuff done baby.
Memory Monday
Noting a memory from my past every (or some) Mondays on the blog. Again this follows Katie the Scrapbook Lady. Again getting those random memories down. Somewhere. Here. Maybe scrapbooked one day.
Monthly recaps
This has helped me so much in my memory keeping. I like lists and I like to know what we've done. It is all there in list format and then I can separate it into the various lists I have elsewhere.
6 people 12 times
Both Ali and Katie also mentioned this concept of Tara Whitney's - the goal to take a family photo each month. An admirable goal I think. Even attainable!
Otherwise I hope to continue on with my Gotta Do's list and other unfinished projects, to do lists and limit the start of new projects. Generally take things a little slower (IF that is possible lol!)
There we go - in a nutshell! Now I must consider how I did last year! Ha!
2012 - P366 Week 5
13 years ago
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