Thursday, March 31, 2011
The End of an Era

Monday, March 28, 2011
Happy Birthday Mitchell!!!

- He last weighed in at 21 lbs 10 oz (just about time to switch car seats!)
- Physically he is still doing the commando crawl with one leg underneath - hey why mess with what works? He pulls himself up to furniture easily and is walking around it. We haven't done much finger walking at this point. He loves couch and pillow diving but this is much better on the carpet then on the hardwood. He knows how to crawl up the stairs but not down and gets frustrated on the one step landing where he gets stuck.
- He has 8 teeth.
- He is just starting to wear his 12 month clothing.
- He is eating mostly what we eat (I avoid out and out sweets and junk food). His favourites are carrots (raw and cooked), muffins, bread, applesauce, some meats and some cereals. We are still nursing on demand. Lately he has taken to pulling though and I'm not sure what to do about that. We are working on giving him a little cup of water but he doesn't quite have the hang of it. I haven't tried a bottle since a month or so ago as there hasn't been a need. Baby led weaning is going well although I admit there is more waste then was let on. But lets just say that when he tastes it and immediately spits it out well....
- He is still one of the most easy-going kids around. He rarely cries - only for needing something and protesting but is easily distracted or persuaded. He has an amazing laugh and an infectious smile.
- He is on a similar sleep routine as last month. He is getting up (or woken up) between 6 and 7am and goes back down for a nap around 9am. He sleeps for a good 3-4 hours daily. When we go to school at 3pm he routinely falls asleep at some point and will have a 1-1/2 hour nap then too. He goes down to bed by 9 or 9:30pm and has another feeding around midnight and sometime during the night (in bed with me). I should be working on this but in all honesty don't really care until those nights when he is rolling around from 4-6 not really eating but not really sleeping. (I had a few this past week). I may be enlisting in Drew's help soon.
- Pottying as to be expected. He has a regular pee upon waking (wet) and then depending on our morning a few catches or misses before school. He has been waking up wet again but goes pee again for me on the potty. Until we go to school at 3 we will have a 3-4 pees and usually a BM - some caught some not. He usually wakes form school dry and has another pee and Drew will usually put a diaper on him for some carpet time until dinner. He is often dry until bath time and then again until bed. I try to change him at his midnight feeding and put a doubler on him for the remainder of the night. I rarely have a poopy diaper (we did on holidays and yuck - so glad how this is working out!). I am still using the diaper service but I admit that I am itching to try the whole cloth diapering completely on my own. I just hesitate as i really like to support small business. I still need to think about this.
- He is a good communicator. He is coming up to Drew a lot more now. It is so sweet to see him burying his head in his legs or shoulder. He is really enjoying dad. He is using a few signs interchangeably but we are just encouraged that he is using them. I'm sure more progress will follow. He is doing some exaggerated nodding of yes and no as well - too cute.
- He loves to watch the boys play hockey and if he is upstairs while they are doing it he will stand there shaking the gate - it's quite a sight! He loves to chase the hockey ball with his mini stick. He follows balls or plastic eggs or anything that moves around the house. He loves the phone and the ipods or pounding the computer whenever he gets a chance. He loves the pots and pans drawer as well as the plastic dishes drawers. Dishes are routinely all over the floor.
So Mitchell... We love you and are so thankful that we have had this year with you. You are a total blessing and you bring so much joy into our lives. We can't wait to see what this year brings but we are anticipating lots of movement, lots of sand play and lots of infectious giggles. Keep 'em coming bud! WE LOVE YOU!!! We are sooooo glad you are a part of our family!
Memory Monday - wall pictures

Saturday, March 19, 2011
Kingston - Monday
So all in all a great time away. I would definitely do it again although my preference is to try new places. I hope that we haven't worn out our welcome with our friends and that we can look forward to doing this again next year!
Friday, March 18, 2011
Sunday Travel
we slept in (forgot about daylight savings) and packed up. We left around 11:30 and decided to cross the border into Vermont. Man what a change in scenery AND road conditions! We passed one fairly bad accident which really didn't surprise me. There were pot holes everywhere! We headed to Burlington, Vermont where we passed lots of sorority and frat houses for the University of Vermont. I was sad that we couldn't stop at Michael's. American Michael's are so much better than ours! We visited the ECHO Lake Aquarium and Science Center for a good part of the morning. It was really neat. It had lots of animal exhibits and interactive things that would interest the kids. Mitchell does not appear to be disturbed by snakes as evidenced by his lack of fear. ME? As long as it is behind the glass...
And so many turtles and frogs! Did I mention I used to have some fire-bellied toads? I can't wait until we can have something like that around here.
I particularly liked the exhibit about implosions. There were videos and interviews with the people that tear down large buildings. It was fascinating how they can make these huge hotels fall down and stay within their own area and not affect the building next to them.
We heralded the kids out of there and back on the road realizing we hadn't had lunch yet. Believe me, they let us know but held on wonderfully.
We finally made a pit stop at Pinero Breads for some great sandwiches on the go. Expensive but great - and nutritious too. We crossed the border into New York via the ferry which was exciting for the kids. It was a little unnerving seeing all that ice though. I knew we were in no danger at all but I couldn't help but think of the Titanic.
Once we crossed over the driving was a little easier and I was surprised by all of the wind turbines. There must have been hundreds. I'd love to look into these a little more. There has been discussion about the use of them in our area as a viable power source. We enjoyed the scenery and crossed over to Canada through Cornwall. A few hours later we arrived at the Ambassador Hotel in Kingston where we were spending the night. We made it just in time to enjoy 1/2 hour of the water park before it closed (and our guys were quite ready for bed). It was lights out for all of us. And I have to say - these beds were just a TAD better (and it was nice to have Internet too).
Happy St Patty's Day!
We've been green for about a week

Dinner was quite festive though I must say. The table was all decked out in green,

- green mashed potatoes
- green broccoli
- green peas
- ham (couldn't make it green but I have an idea for ground beef next year)
- chocolate mint chipit ice cream
- lime jello with whipped cream
I did a quick reading on the history of St Patrick and why it is celebrated today. I love that we can celebrate a simple holiday with a simple Christian message.

The kids also got a goody bag with tattoos, St Patrick's Day buttons, green shoestring licorice, green mini marshmallows, green jelly bellys and mint Aero chocolate bars. They were a big hit. Simple and sweet!
Go Green!
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Owl's Head

We arrived late afternoon and settled in. The accommodations were great for us.

Stay tuned for Sunday's timeline...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011
March Good Food Box
Here is what we got for $10:
- 10 lb bag of red potatoes
- 1 large cabbage (yikes - I still haven't used mine from last month [yes it is still good], I put some in the butternut squash soup which worked well but I'm scrambling for ideas that my family will eat - there is only so much freezer room!)
- 1 2lb bag onions
- 2 small oranges
- 3 delicious apples
- 1 small bag snap peas
- 1 head of broccoli
- 2 turnip (real turnip not the rutabaga one)
Again, the great part of the Good Food Box is that you purchase it in advance (when you have cash) and you pick it up on the third Tuesday of each month (when your cash may be getting low). This is located in a downtown location on the bus route and is aimed to help those may have financial difficulty towards the end of the month and gives good nutritious, fresh food. The more who buy into it, the more spending power they have and the more variety or quantity is provided. All in all a win-win situation. It is definitely worth $10 (small version).
Monday, March 14, 2011
We're back!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
February 2011 Recap
Here's a look at our month:
Books, Magazines, Blogs read: Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life by Ann Krauss Rosenthal. It was a good read. It wasn’t exactly as I thought it would be. I had heard about this through the scrapbooking world and Cathy Zielske has put together a class called ME: The Abridged Version following a similar format of writing about yourself through the alphabet. I plan on creating my own album – The Alphabet of Me and this gave me a lot good ideas.
I am reading The Happiness Project; Creating Keepsakes; Us; my top 10 blogs I read
TV, Movies, Live Entertainment: The Office (Rogers on Demand); Parenthood (internet); Modern Family (internet); Justified (Netflix); High School Musical 3; Nanny Diaries; King Corn (interlibrary loan); Astronaut’s Wife (Netflix); Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (DVD); Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat (live at Gryphon Theatre)(19th);
Special Events: Barrilicious – Herb ‘n Sage (2nd); Fud Grill* (4th); Painter’s Hall* (10th)
Ladies Banquet (5th)
Cierra – assessment (7th)
Surprise 40th Bday party for BV (12th)
Helped friend who had to go to hospital in early am (15th)
Dinner with R&BV at at the Five (17th)
Lost Brian C (church) due to a heart attack (19th)
Walked across the lake (21st) *
Funeral for BC (23rd)
ipad replaced as the battery died (24th)
Safe church training (24th)
Lunch with Kristy at Radio Café (25th)*
Dad and Son Hockey game (26th)
Travel: went to see Samantha play hockey in Keswick
Financial/ changes to the house etc.: n/a
Health/ Exercise: skiing as a family weekly; skating as a familyDrew: running, basketball, hockey game
Alison: some running and indoor exercise; still working on my wart =(
Cierra: some coughing; other; snowshoeing with school
Matt: power skating; hockey
Marlee: eye doctor appointment (7th); chicken pox (10th-14th)! She missed 3 days of school and had about 40 pox? She had very little itching and did amazing.
Mitchell: got his 8th tooth; 11 months old
Accomplishments/ Disappointments (Goals): completed LOAD211 (28 layouts in 28 days); some of OLW; some of Yesterday & Today; *’d items - Gotta Do’s and Wanna Do’s list
All Around Us/ Other (News, Trends Etc): “Oiy" ( a Marlee-ism)
LOAD recap
Here is my summary:
28 layouts
12 dbl page payouts/ 16 single page layouts
23 12x12 layouts
1 8x8 layout
4 8.5x11 layouts
3 digital layouts
2 for Yesterday & Today class
1 for Halloween Album
2 for camp album
2 for prof'l photo album
2 for Christmas card album
1 for birthday album
1 for cottage album
Tonnes of inspiration and
too many photos to count!
Job well done and I can't wait until May to get scrappin' again!