It’s that time again! Another month has passed us by and it is time for a recap. So why do I do this? First of all my memory is terrible and often find myself wondering when such and such happened. Second of all I love lists and information. Third of all I believe I am a type A personality. Enough said.
Here's a look at our month:
Entertainment – what we’re looking at , listening to and going to!
Books, Magazines, Blogs read:
A Secret Kept
Scrapbooks Etc
Regular Blogs as well as My Plastic Free Life
TV, Movies, Live Entertainment:
Yogi Bear movie (library DVD)
Ramona and Beezus (library DVD)
Fear (Netflix)
Hannah Montana (final season) (library DVD)
Bones (Season one Ep 1-5) (library DVD)
All Roads Lead Home (cottage DVD)
Life Size (cottage DVD)
A Cinderella Story (Cierra’s DVD)
It’s Complicated (Melissa’s DVD)
Nanny McPhee (library DVD)
Alice in Wonderland (2005) (cottage DVD)
Jonah (A Veggietales movie) (library DVD)
Free to Be You and Me (library DVD)
[A Kid in Alladin’s Palace] (Cierra’s DVD)
Revolutionary Road (library DVD)
Daily Happenings & Special Events:
Boating with H family for fireworks (1st)
Baseball tournaments Markham, Etobicoke,
Trampoline finished (1st)
Strawberry picking (1st)
Sarah and Macy here to visit! (July 13th -21st)
Church Camp – Pandamania (July 18th -22nd)
Sean and Family here to visit (17th)
TBay (July 23rd-August 5th)
Travel (1 hr plus):
TBay (July 23rd –August 5th)
Financial/ changes to the house etc.:(gifts, renos, big purchases, household purchases)
Marlee to bday party (littlest pet shop and books); Matt to birthday parties (nerf guns, gift card to Toys R’ US; gift card to National Sports)
First floor being painted
Laundry room door fell off
Health/Development/ Exercise/ Extra Curricular Activities:
Drew: Baseball; golf; mole removal acting up
Alison: *
Cierra: Still wearing air cast when appropriate; attended church camp
Matt: Baseball; golf camp (3 days); church camp
Marlee: Golf camp (3 days); church camp
Mitchell: 2 new teeth in July; EC same or worse – not much communication, still catching early morning but less during day; sleep schedule way off – shorter naps, 3 hours at a time at night; still happy-go-lucky; saying da (that and dad), mo (mom), ba (ball), tssss (animals in particular dogs and cats); eating well, still nursing on demand.
Accomplishments/ Disappointments (Goals - Gotta Do’s, Wanna do’s; OLW, projects):
New foods – Swiss chard from dad (not a major fan)(10th); New park (12th)All Around Us/
Other (News, Trends, Births, Deaths, World Events, City News Etc): n/a
2012 - P366 Week 5
13 years ago
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