It’s that time again! Another month has passed us by and it is time for a wrap-up. So why do I do this? First of all my memory is terrible and often find myself wondering when such and such happened. Second of all I love lists and information. Third of all I believe I am a type A personality. Let's just say that I like to see my life all wrapped up, nice and tidy with a bow. Enough said.
Here's a look at our month:
Entertainment – what we’re looking at , listening to and going to!
Entertainment – what we’re looking at , listening to and going to!
Books, Magazines, Blogs read:
Heaven is for Real by Todd Burpo;

I really liked this book. It gave a very interesting view on what we might expect in heaven. I was touched by the thought of our young children (miscarriages even) “growing” in heaven, of needing names; of the elderly living on in their “prime age”; and the knowledge that we can “vent” with God. Life isn’t perfect. The thought of fighting battles for Jesus is something that I had never considered either. I loved the perspective from a child’s eyes – it certainly felt believable. It has come up in conversation a few times. I highly recommend it.
TV, Movies, Live Entertainment:
Bones Season 5(Netflix)
Little Fockers (rental); Operation Penguin (rental); One Day (library DVD); The Lorax (theatre)
Chris Tomlin in concert at Church on the Queensway – awesome concert! (10th)
Daily Happenings & Special Events:
Walk Thru the Bible at church (2nd)
Chris Tomlin concert (10th)
March break (12-16th) – a great time, one day of daycare, a lot of home time, beautiful weather and good family times
Toronto – Casa Loma, Wayne Gretzky’s, CN Tower (15th)
Kids to Beamsville (16th)
Funeral for KS (21st)
Bowling as a family/ fundraiser for KR (23rd)
Celebration dinner at Red Lobster for Melissa (30th)
Travel (1 hr plus):
Toronto (15th)
Kids to Beamsville (16th)
Financial/ changes to the house etc.: (gifts, renos, big purchases, household purchases)
Small birthday party for Mitchell(see birthday post for gifts etc); lots of purging;
9 Drawer unit from Zellers for front hallway, IKEA baskets
New Roomba vacuum cleaner
Odyssey work - change tires
Health/Development/ Exercise/ Extra Curricular Activities:
Drew: basketball, running
Drew: basketball, running
Alison: ultrasound appointment (21st)[23 weeks]; sciatica pain; elliptical and walking; Dr B appoint (26th)
Cierra: bowling; lots of coughing this month
Matt: hockey
Marlee: skiing
Mitchell: Turned 2 this month! Where has the time gone? He is no longer a baby but definitely a little boy. Please see his birthday post for a little taste of Mitchell today!
Mitchell: Turned 2 this month! Where has the time gone? He is no longer a baby but definitely a little boy. Please see his birthday post for a little taste of Mitchell today!
Accomplishments/ Disappointments (Goals - Gotta Do’s, Wanna do’s; OLW, projects)
Got caught up on OLW, MMEW
All Around Us/ Other (News, Trends, Births, Deaths, World Events, City News Etc):
Ice off lake (20th)
Loss of KS (funeral 22nd)
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