This weekend...
- we got our electrical issue fixed
- we went to see Matt's hockey game (he won 4-2)
- we watched the movie Babies together as a family
- we stayed home for dinner (ate in front of the tv) and rushed out to small group
- we attended small group for dessert, snack, video and fellowship
- we dumped our stuff at the door and got the kids into bed
- we picked up Cierra on the way to church
- Mitchell flooded his pants in church, went pee on the potty and then was dry for an hour (pottied x3)
- we delivered church flyers door to door for 20 mintues
- we dropped Marlee off at a birthday party
- we relaxed and each did our own thing (I worked on the computer)
- we ran out the door for a surprise birthday party
- we witnessed some interesting attitude from our oldest daughter
- we felt the repercussions of daylight savings time change (umm it's an hour later remember?)
- we got home and dumped our stuff
- we realized that Matt forgot to do some important homework
- we got everyone into bed and collapsed...
...and left the house in utter chaos
oh and stayed up with Mitchell when he woke up and wouldn"t go back to sleep
So today...
i cleaned the bathroom
i am going to get the little guy down for a (hopefully) long nap and THEN
i am TIDYING up
i am going to put the garage bucket away
i am going to sort the plastic bags for recycling
i am going to sweep and mop the floor
i am going to put away the halloween and thanksgiving decor
i am going to put my laundry away
and after he wakes up
i am going to call about chickens and eggs
i am going to email about notes for our video series
i am going to email about Flat student opportunities
i am going to put up some pictures
i am going to shop for digital savings
i am going to put away my scrap albums
let's see how we do. See you later!
2012 - P366 Week 5
13 years ago
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