I have a To Do list that is a mile long. I like lists. I like to do list. I like to check off my accomplishments in a day. I am also a procrastinator. I have a number of things on my list that have been there for a very long time. Some not so much. But I am figuring that if I can devote 15 minutes to 1 1/2 hours to LOAD for this past month then maybe this month I can devote to my to do list. Some are longer and some should only take a few minutes - once I actually start on it. So here is my list (in no particular order) - let's see how I do!
1. Jewelry holder - sand, add hooks and hang
2. Mending
3. Kids art work - purge and sort
4. Plastic bag recycling
5. Sort Matt’s outgrown clothing for Mitchell
6. Purge kids toys in playroom
7. Receipts
8. Cierra’s receipts
9. Cierra’s inventory
10. Label Cierra’s photo albums
11. Sort scrapbooking letters a-z (and add foam letters)
12. Scrapbooking inspiration files - hang
13. Get rid of VHS tapes
14. Garage bucket
15. Cierra’s magnet boards - hang up
16. Tissue paper - sort
17. Cierra morning routine pictures
18. Mitchell’s food list
19. Update health books
20. Print out family mission statement
21. Mitchell’s dev’t list
22. Scrapbook pages into albums
23. Label LOM albums
24. Marlee’s 6 year photos in frame
25. Hang frames upstairs
26. Kids school photos in frames
27. Dust hallway landing
28. Pull out fridge and clean
29. Safe church – something!
30. print digital scrapbook pages
2012 - P366 Week 5
13 years ago
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