Monday, February 28, 2011
One question that has come up (I am going to go back and pick put points that I have missed earlier but for now…) is to question what I do for fun. What do I find fun?
And it may seem unusual but I think is my list:
· Watching musicals and singing along
· Reading a good book
· Scrapbooking and recording memories
· Reading about other people’s lives – biographies, blogs
· Talking with other people about subjects I feel qualified about
· Organizing, checking things off my to-do list
· (Once I get out) – running, walking in nature, ‘enjoying God’
It is then suggested obviously that we provide time for doing these things. Doing our FUN things makes us happy. I have been finding that with myself. If I can get a little bit of me time each day (usually during Mitchell's nap) then I am a much happier person. And so far so good.
you light our world - LOAD211 Day 28
It is a scraplift but I can't find the source. Font: CK Twiggy
Journaling reads: When I look at this picture I see a side I rarely see. You look so introspective. So serious. So solemn.. You are frequently shy when in new situations or with other people and I know you like to stick close. I know I push you to try new things that aren’t always comfortable. This picture shows me that contemplative side. But you are so much more. You have such an inner beauty and sparkle that is waiting to explode. You shine baby and you light up our world. You mean so much to us.
Don’t ever forget it.
What meant from this layout is that too often I don't see this side because I am behind her pushing her to try new things. When I saw this photo it gave me an idea of how she is sometimes feeling.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
I love my dog - LOAD211 Day 27
The journaling reads:I swore that we would never get another dog. Berkeley had been gone for almost 5 months and we were asked to look after Diva for Kim and Kerry while they waited to find a new house. In the meantime they were living at Kim’s parents’ house in their basement. Umm... I guess so. I couldn’t have been more completely shocked. After getting over the fact that we could not leave ANY food out AT ALL we were hooked. Although I couldn’t walk her with the kids (too much pulling), she did get me out running on my own. At 6 years of age she was already trained and lost a lot of the puppy behaviour. She didn’t bark and she didn’t shed and she was so good around the kids! Let’s just say that I love this dog and would keep her in a minute if we had to. THAT is saying A LOT. She ended up staying with us for about 5 months and I was really sad to see her go. January 2009
Saturday, February 26, 2011
adidas - LOAD Day 26
BTW - my printer has run out of ink so all of the red photos will be replaced.
The journaling reads:
Melissa has been an employee at adidas for almost 10 years. With that has come some major perks. She is always generous with buying things for all of us with her employee discount – from clothing to footwear to golf equipment. We also get to go to the warehouse sales and be a part of the staff Christmas party and the annual Terry Fox Run. We really feel like we are a part of the adidas family. And hey – the clothing speaks for itself. It’s not only cute but totally functional AND inspiring. Thanks Melissa! IMPOSSIBLE IS NOTHING. 11.02.26
Happy 11 months Mitchell!
But let's not jump the gun. At 11 months you are:
- You are eating everything we are eating (although we avoid the obvious junk food). Carbs appear to be the favourite right now – especially muffins, breads, crackers etc. Applesauce, ground beef and gerber pickles get devoured more quickly as well. I thought you were going to like kiwi but after 2 days you started spitting it out. I have also started giving you the last of the rice cereal you had a while back and you are devouring that.
- Clapping seems to be the hand signal of choice. It could mean 'eat', 'toilet' and 'all done'. We are figuring it out though! You hit my chest when you want to drink or snuggle. You wave hello and goodbye.
- We are back to lots of cheesy grins and head throw backs. You are still happy a majority of the time. LOVE that.
- You are still doing a lot of scooting on the potty all around the house, but more often than not, you let yourself up when you are done. You are faster on your knees.
- You continue to pull yourself up to a stand around the furniture and are now starting to inch your way along.
- Tooth #8 (Feb 22 – lower left) and again lots of drool
- Sleep-wise we had another few late nights where once you were up you didn’t want to go back down. Daddy took you downstairs once and informed me in the morning that for some reason he didn’t sleep so well with you sleeping on him. Go figure! I’ve never experienced that lol!
- You have continued EC successes, signaling, ~early~ mornings, and nakey butt time. We have significantly lessened your use of diapers this month. See your daily routine for more details. You surprised me the other day by staying dry for a few hours while we were out and then going potty in the washroom! I was so happy about that! We do laugh about the “little puppy” in the house but when we are paying attention it works so well. You are such a great kid and we are enjoying this adventure!
your daily routine this past month continues to start around 6am with you kicking me in bed, I get you up and potty you (wet diaper with liner). It is usually a success. We then go downstairs where I feed you and then give you some table food. We then get dressed and head off to school (new diaper) - driving or in the stroller this month.
You are getting a full nap in the stroller right now in the mornings so we are all happy. You have just not been able to transfer once you fall asleep. One afternoon I had some extra kids with us so I put you in the back pack. You fell asleep and somehow I was able to get you off my back still asleep. You stayed that way for another 45 minutes. You must have really been tired!
After you wake up (around 12-1 pm), you are pottied (consistently dry), fed and then we sit at the table for table food. Then we hang out doing chores, computer work or errands until Cierra gets home. We then help her with lunch prep and getting snack ready for all the kids. We then bundle up (which you don’t like) and head to the school to get the kids (fresh diaper). We hang out there for 40 minutes playing outside and then walk home. You are usually asleep at this time and stay that way until 5ish when the kids start going home. Once you wake up you are pottied (again usually dry) and then you are usually wanting up and/ or to be fed. I'll be trying to get dinner started and kitchen clean-up going. We sit down to eat around 6pm and you get more table food. You are such a messy eater! We will then clean you up and take you for a bath or to play with your siblings. You want to be everywhere they are – especially when it is tumble play or mini sticks.
Bedtime routine has gotten better again. Daddy will usually bath you (which you LOVE –especially with the other kids). You are then diapered (with a liner) and then we then brush your teeth, read a story, get the other kids in bed and then I sit down with you. After about ½ hour you are ready for bed and are going down awake but are asleep within seconds. This leaves us at about 9pm. It is such a blessing. You are still not taking a bottle from anyone but will settle for them a little later than usual but without many tears. This does allow daddy and I to go out if we want.
When you do go down I can usually be assured that you will sleep for at least 3 hours at which point I will feed you again (usually about the time daddy and I head to bed), hopefully put you in your own bed and if not ours and then go to bed ourselves. We will sometimes change you again but it’s hit or miss whether that will “wake” you up or not.
That my boy, is your routine this month in a nutshell. Always changing and yet staying the same. Go figure.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Summer Camp 2008 - LOAD Day 25
5 item Friday: I did it!
1. embroidery thread or floss
2. one piece patterned paper
3. one set letter stickers
4. one border
5. an acrylic shape of our choice.
Fun stuff! The journaling lists the places we went to, the scripture verse for the week and the bottom lines.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Family Day Fun - LOAD Day 24
Journaling reads:
Checklist for Family Day Fun:
Alison - walk across the lake a
Marlee - go skating a
Matthew - attend birthday party a
Drew - play hockey X
Cierra - eat at a restaurant a
Mitchell - go along for the ride a
Once we got organized we ended up having a great day. It usually takes us a while to get our plans sorted out and get ourselves moving. We really enjoy our down time sometimes more than anything else. This time we wanted to try to work around everyone’s goals rather then waste the day away. While all of the events but the birthday party were geared to involve the whole family it didn’t really end up that way. No one wanted to venture across the lake with me so I went by myself. The family that was coming over to play hockey ended up cancelling and the ice rink wasn’t really conducive to a full hockey game. Marlee and Cierra got their skating in and we ended up ordering Pizza Pizza in (Cierra’s pick) instead of going out. Mitchell did just come along for the ride but thoroughly enjoyed himself. In the end, it all began and ended with family and that is what counts. February 21, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
No Matter What ... there is joy - LOAD Day 23
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
This I know... - LOAD Day 22
Marlee's notable quotables at 6 yrs - LOAD Day 21
My daughter was so excited to get a new srapbook kit for a late Christmas present and wanted me to do a page using her supplies. I was only too happy to oblige.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
M3 pregnancy - LOAD Day 20
It is a scraplift of a layout from Stacy Julian - a challenge that was presented on Scraphappy a few months ago. I've used this sketch a few times now. TFL!
Saturday, February 19, 2011
The VW van - LOAD Day 19
The prompt today was to find inspiration from the photo of an art journal that was provided. I thought it fit in with the whole hippy flower VW thing, it was red etc etc.
Journaling reads: The VW van. I don't remember the van but I certainly remember lots of stories about it! Hidden journaling has the stories.
Mom and dad bought the van in Snow Lake in the early 1970'2s (they had it when Sean joined our family).
Mom made red and white bold print curtains for it although they didn't use them much.
The heater never worked properly and they were forever trying to get it fixed. On one occasion after getting it fixed while in Thompson (150 miles/ 3 hours away) , mom and Aunt Pualine were excited to each buy a rubber tree from the local Woolworth's. Of course the heater broke again on the way home. They each had one leaf on the tree by the time they got home.
When mom and Aunt Pauline made the monthly trek to get groceries in Thompson we would either be in car seats or they would sometimes take out the middle seat and put in a playpen to keep us in. [Oh how times have changed! How I wish sometimes we could do this!]
After we moved to Barrie my mom took a picture of the van in our driveway with the snow up to the roof topand sent it to our friends back in Snow Lake. We used to think we had snow in Snow Lake! We were supposed to be moving south!
The van blew the drive shaft in Happy Landing on their way to or from Thunder Bay one year. We ended up spending a week at the home of dad's first girlfiend Sue and her family in North Bay while it got fixed.
The van was sold a year or so after that.
My dad has been known to refer to that time as their hippie days (imagine mom with her long straight hair, flowery clothes...).
While I don't remember having the van specifically I love having the pictures and personally I think it was quite cool to have had it.
Friday, February 18, 2011
You should know LOAD day 18
Journaling reads: 1. I went skydiving when I was in university but the thought of bungee jumping terrifies me 2. I travelled after university and visited 13 countries in 31 days 3. When I travel I like to discover someplace new 4. I believe in God and everlasting life and I have a daily relationship with Him but I am often afraid to evangelize 5. When I am mad I like to organize or clean 6. Sometimes I overextend myself 7. I love to read. I love to read. I love to read. 8.I would like to own a snake one day even though I run from the room when I see one on TV 9.I have had dogs, cats, geckos, squirrels, mice, fish, rats and fire-bellied toads for pets 10. I am more of a night owl 11.I find it hard to watch TV without doing something else 12. I have to see the end of the movie no matter how lame it is 13. I once stole gum from the neighbourhood store and my mom made me return it 14.I did a speech on how we moved our playhouse and won 15.My dad had cancer when I was in kindergarten 16.I won best girl award when I graduated from elementary school 17.I run from the room when I see sharks on TV 18. I didn`t learn to ski until after I was married and no I don`t just `trust` that easily 19.I was a very picky eater until I lived in Europe for 3 months in highschool 20.I deeply regret not learning more Spanish when I had the chance 21.My favourite meal is beef stroganoff and peas or roast lamb 22.My favourite candy is sour soothers - but they have to be the right kind 23. My family drove across the United States to California without air conditioning 24. I sometimes “spave” – spend money to save money 25. I like to be resourceful – to the extent that sometimes I hoard things I may not use 26. Finding LOST items makes me really happy. 27. My middle name is JOY but I sometimes have trouble showing it. 28. I got 100% in grade 9 typing class. 29. I dream of owning some chickens one day. 30. If I can’t get to sleep I will use an eye mask and it usually works like a charm 31. Love love love to document our history. 32 I have a terrible memory 33. I make very ambitious To Do lists 34. I wonder what life would have been like if I stayed in Europe longer after university 35. I was once engaged to someone else 36. I love to explore God’s beauty in nature 37. My husband is my best friend 38. I am so glad to be alive and have the life I do. Me at 38. 2011.2.18.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
It's the little things...cottage memories LOAD Day 17
Thoughts: The quote reminded me of this layout I've been wanting to do about all the little things at our cottage. I am wishing I had printed the pictures smaller though - there are so many more I could have added but I already had these printed. I need 2 copies so the 2nd one will be done digitally.
Journaling reads: I so get this. I LOVE going to the cottage. We only get there usually once a year because it is so far away. But we LOVE it. It holds so many memories. Not just of the things we do there as a family but also all the little things. The things that are “just the cottage”. Things that we only see when we are there. Many are discarded items that Nan and Gramps or Marilyn or mom and dad didn’t want at home anymore and now they have become part of the cottage. Things that now remind me of Nan and Gramps. As time goes on, we are learning to let go. I am so glad that we have the pictures to remind us of them. Because they are a big deal. They mean comfort. They mean home. They mean family. They mean the cottage. That is a big deal.
The bottom journaling lists the significance of each item:
1 Nan’s writing on the bathroom pipe 2 The homemade “guitar” 3 McKirdy’s black fly repellent – stinky but very effective 4 The library of books in the built in shelf 5 The peel ‘n stick flooring. 6 The collection of Archie and Family Circus comic books 7 The countertops 8 The Indian picture 9 The happy face garbage pail 10 Old sheets 11 The drawer full of twist ties, elastics and paper products no one can ever throw out 12Tthe drawer liners in the kitchen cupboards 13 The Nivea container with Nan’s writing that holds cotton balls 14 The key holder with dad’s writing 15 The sauna fire 16 An old tea pot that found a new home 17 The three legged stool that is too tippy to use 18 A knick knack that has always been here 19The old green chair 20 The kitchen cupboards 21 The sauna buckets 22 The red bedspreads 23 Another knick knack 24 A picture given to Gramps from his work 25 The fireplace tools we were never allowed to play with 26 The mirror 27Assorted glasses 28 The green floor 29 Another picture given to Gramps
There are so many more....Pheww! TFL!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011 LOAD Day 16
Wishing I had a butterfly punch though! But no - I will not run out and get one Drew!
Journaling reads: We are so blessed to live near **********. We have such a blast every time we go. Sometimes we look for tadpoles, bullfrogs and butterflies. Sometimes it is to explore the creek. There are trails to follow and trees to climb. The residents have done an amazing job planting flowers and grooming the trails and keeping it tidy. This time we just wanted to get out for a walk. We investigated some knarly trees, tonnes of mushrooms and an inukshuk, (which Marlee accidentally knocked over – oops )! The kids never know what they will find next. It is a great time to spend some together time just experiencing nature – minutes from our door!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Family Photo Shoot 2007 LOAD DAY 15
February Good Food Box
Here's what I got:
- 10 lb bag of red potatoes (still about a bag ahead - got to work on this!)
- 2 lbs carrots
- 1 broccoli
- 1 Spanish onion
- 1 head of garlic
- 2 parsnips
- 1 sweet potato
- 2 beets
- 3 mac apples
- 2 kiwi
They had a delicious sample of beet soup along with the recipe at pick-up. I'm just not sure I want to buy a whole 2lb bag of beets to make it myself though - especially since probably only Cierra and I will eat it.
Anyway - all of this is a steal for only $10 supporting our local farmers. Adios!
Monday, February 14, 2011
2010 Halloween album - LOAD Day 14

Usually the type is orange instead of green however my printer is running out of ink.
Journaling reads: This year was switched up a bit. ***** decided not to do a Light the Night party so we got to go trick-or-treating instead. The kids were quite intrigued about going to more than 5 houses! They made plans to meet up with the Jones and go around their neighbour hood and then the plan was to drive to one friend each and all our relatives. Best made plans… First of all the idea of meeting at 5:30 was a little unrealistic. We felt we needed to say hi to the neighbours on our street so we ended up being their first customers. Early. It was rather chilly and getting late so it was decided that I would stay home with Mitchell rather then just leaving the house as we usually do. The kids went on their way and did have a blast. They ended up with FAR more candy then they needed but that‘s the point right?. We had a bout 30 people come by the house. In the end the kids had a late night and we let up the candy ban for a few weeks - letting them have it whenever they wanted. Does that mean breakfast too? I’d say the evening was a success although we all did miss the church event and hope it will be on next year (especially if I don’t have to run it lol!)
Sunday, February 13, 2011
A series of unfortunate events...
Summer camp 2009 LOAD Day 13
Saturday, February 12, 2011
LOAD Day 12 Family Reunion
Brenda and Greg hosted the latest --- family reunion It was held on July 10th, 2010 and just about everyone was able to make it. It had been a few years since out last one and of course there were lots of changes. We all enjoyed swimming, hot-tubbing and good food and fellowship. The kids had a piñata and of course we had to get a family photo. I hope it won’t be so long before we all get together again.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Warning!!!! Graphic photo!
Christmas Photos to Friends and Family - LOAD day 11
Thursday, February 10, 2011
I hate hanging pictures!

BTW these are the "year-end "pictures that I make for all of us and our family members. With the new addition this past year I needed to add another frame - but that only made 4 and you are always supposed to put these in odd numbers right? So I quickly made the 5th one a showcase for our latest family portrait with some paint and number stickers. I'm also attempting to take a family photo each month this year (harder then you would think) so that I can do them up in a similar way to the other ones.
After I figured out that it was just the wire that needed to be adjusted (still not that easy), I got the end result I wanted.
Family portrait 2011 - LOAD Day 10
Now that we have a 4th child I thought I'd add a family portrait layoute to even it out on the wall (or rather keep it at an odd number right?). This year I am working on a monthly family portrait to co-ordinate with the other layouts.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Mitchell's 4 month photo shoot - LOAD Day 9
Journaling reads: We finally took Mitchell in for a professional photo shoot at Zehrs at 4 months. He did a great job and we love the results. We also got a one of the all the kids at the last minute but Cierra was away. Oh how we all love him! 10.7.28
The daily transportation dilemma
So now that winter is coming to a close I'm going to walk you through my daily options and their pros and cons.
So we tried the wrap sling. Okay but he started to fall asleep and I couldn't get him out and then transferred. And he hated having a blanket over him so it was bad if it was windy (and it often is).
So most days it became the 3-wheeled stroller. It is hard to push through the snow and many days we had to walk on the road because there was just too much on the sidewalks. Mitchell was usually in his car seat and the wind protector worked well. Some days he would transfer into the house in his seat, other days not.
I think I need a convertable stroller/ sled.
And then just last week I had a few extra kids and we had to try something new. L is too little to walk on her own so I was going to use our double wide stroller. However the wheel was flat and I couldn't get it fixed in time. So Mitchell went on my back, L went in the blue stroller and L was able to stand on the back bar.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Day 8 Kidding Around...
Journaling: The kids are all pumped about participating in Summer BINGO/ Kidding Around this summer. They decorated their binders and made their scrap buddies and have listed their summer goals. As for me I am excited to be organized and to actually have a plan for 8 weeks. If all goes accordingly it promises to be a full, fun, adventurous summer! Bring it on! 2010
Monday, February 7, 2011
What has been lost has been found!
The last item I had misplaced was Mitchell's blue Flip diaper cover. It has been driving me nuts! I know we had it in September after his 4 months pictures but then.... Then this past week we seemed to all of a sudden only have 4 or 5 diaper covers. We normally have about 15? I asked Drew... no idea. Last night I was in the bathroom and mentioned it to the kids and Cierra atually showed me that they were in the bathroom drawer with all the bathing suits. Uhh huhh??? And no, I didn't put them there. I have NO idea why she would choose to put them there. But hey, I'm glad they were found.
Then I woke up this morning thinking, if she put them there this time then maybe.... and YES the blue cover was there along with another one! YEYYYY!!!!
So from this strange little story one can know that I get great JOY from simple answers of prayer. And yes, God does answer prayer - in His own sweet time. Either way Thanks!!!
Marlee mad! LOAD Day 7
Journaling reads: Marlee this picture of you always makes me laugh! You were going through a phase where you were making this “mad face” and trying so hard to make it last. It was so cute though that we had a hard time taking it seriously. Which actually did make you a bit mad. Either way, I’m glad we captured it on film. “Marlee mad”! 07.03.19 age 2.5
Sunday, February 6, 2011
five Load Day 6
Journaling reads: Our baby girl is 5! She has been waiting for this day for several weeks - no actually a few months (I think she is learning that from Cierra!). She was so glad that her cousins would be able to join her at "her cottage" for her birthday.
We had an easy-peasy day - Nan and Ya-ya were still up and we opened a few presents from family (all cool clothes like a skirt, pants, vest and jacket made by Grandma and awesome boots from Ya-Ya) and then the cousins came in the afternoon. She helped decorate the cake she picked out from the Superstore with lollipops and candles. She and I plan on spending some 1:1 time shopping together for her gift from us later in the week.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Day 5 - When Marlee Gets a hold of the Camera...
Journaling reads: ...You never know what you'll get - 41 pictures of her stuffed dog or 58 variations of herself. It's become quite a source of entertainment wherever we are. Thank goodness its a digital camera & we can just hit delete. Although some of these are actually quite photogenic.
When I said to Marlee, "You actually took some very good pictures" She replied "I know!"
Friday, February 4, 2011
Christmas Cards 2009 - Day 4
Thursday, February 3, 2011
LOAD Day 3 - Stuck Like Glue
(click on photo to get credits, journaling etc)
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
I struggle - LOAD Day 2
Day 2! We were to go to ebay and type in our name and then do a layout that was inspred by something we saw there. My inspiration from ebay (an Alison Moyet "essex" YAZ promo press kit photo) led me to complete my Y&T wk4 layout about scrapbooking challenges. It inspired me because of the black and white photo and the extensive writing (inspiration photo is below). click on the photo for the sources
I chose to write about how I struggle... (sorry - it's private though!)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011
January 2011 Recap
So why do I do this? First of all my memory is terrible and often find myself wondering when such and such happened. Second of all I love lists and information. Third of all I believe I am a type A personality. Enough said.
BUUUTTT, now hear me out. Just last week Marlee had to do a timeline of her life (yes all 6 years) for school and I was able to pull out my binder with my yearly recaps in it and boom - in 1 hour we were done. Thank you very much. And Yes, I did make Drew praise me for my organization in this instance. Thanks again dear.
Here's a look at our month:Books, Magazines, Blogs read:
- Her Daughter's Dream (on my new ipad I might add - sooo fun!) btw Great book. I laughed. I cried. I recommend.
- pretty much just my top 10 blogs - it was a busy month

- Modern Family - finished Season 1 (rented)
- Death do us part (Netflix)
- Mother's and Babies (rented - do not recommend)
- 500 Days of Summer (Netflix)
- Black Swan (movie theatre - umm different!)
- Nothing like the Holidays (library)
- Best Christmas Pageant Ever (ILL library) do you remember this from elementary school? I still have a few copies of the book. Matt read it and watched it this past Christmas and I thought it would be fun to watch as a family.
- Spit Fire Grill (borrowed from my parents)
Special Events: Not much out of the ordinary in this area.
- Matt had his power skating,
- We all had skiing
- Cierra had a transition meeting at school
- I had MOPS and a behaviour/ discipline training class at church and a shower for Charlotte (I gave her a scrapbook album, a mommy hook, some bowls, a receiving blanket and some baby cream).
Travel: nowhere this month
Financial/ changes to the house etc.:
- shower gift to Charlotte (as above)
- our kitchen cupboards were finished
Drew: running and basketball
Alison: 1 or 2 days exercise; cough/tickle/ cold for 2 1/2 weeks since New Years Eve Day
Cierra: all good
Matt: all good
Marlee: all goodMitchell: Dr visit (20th) 20lbs 10 oz, 74 cm long, received inoculation
Accomplishments/ Disappointments (Goals):
I've been working away at One Little Word and Yesterday and Today - 2 classes from BPC. They have both been very inspirational and I'm looking forward to seeing what else they have in store. Y&T in particular has really inspired me to get into my older photos and organize them as well as to go back and chronicle my life archives (does that make sense?) As I mentioned in my opening discussion, I want to do the same type of listing for my elementary and highschool years. I'm also gearing up for LOAD for February.
All Around Us/ Other (News, Trends Etc): n/a
Clicking on the picture will take you to the credits.
LOAD 211 and joy of LOVE
I get LOAD "for free" this time around since I am a Scraphappy member but I doubt that I would be able to pass up the opportunity anyway. I probably won't follow too many of the prompts because I am still doing Yesteday and Today as well as One Little Word. I am really enjoying both of these classes and I want to stay on top of the lessons. I also have LOADS of unrelated pages on my to do list lol!.
The other project is Joy of Love - a mini online photography class. It is simply a daily email with a suggested photo and the option to upload it to a flickr group. I'm not guaranteeing that I will post the photos every day but I'd like to make an attempt to learn something and get off automatic. Day 1 though and I've already learned something new.
That being said - I'm off to work!