Usually the type is orange instead of green however my printer is running out of ink.
Journaling reads: This year was switched up a bit. ***** decided not to do a Light the Night party so we got to go trick-or-treating instead. The kids were quite intrigued about going to more than 5 houses! They made plans to meet up with the Jones and go around their neighbour hood and then the plan was to drive to one friend each and all our relatives. Best made plans… First of all the idea of meeting at 5:30 was a little unrealistic. We felt we needed to say hi to the neighbours on our street so we ended up being their first customers. Early. It was rather chilly and getting late so it was decided that I would stay home with Mitchell rather then just leaving the house as we usually do. The kids went on their way and did have a blast. They ended up with FAR more candy then they needed but that‘s the point right?. We had a bout 30 people come by the house. In the end the kids had a late night and we let up the candy ban for a few weeks - letting them have it whenever they wanted. Does that mean breakfast too? I’d say the evening was a success although we all did miss the church event and hope it will be on next year (especially if I don’t have to run it lol!)
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