Our prompt today was to use the given quote “It isn’t the great big pleasures that count the most; it’s making a great deal out of the little ones.” –Jean Webster, Daddy Long-Legs
Thoughts: The quote reminded me of this layout I've been wanting to do about all the little things at our cottage. I am wishing I had printed the pictures smaller though - there are so many more I could have added but I already had these printed. I need 2 copies so the 2nd one will be done digitally.
Journaling reads: I so get this. I LOVE going to the cottage. We only get there usually once a year because it is so far away. But we LOVE it. It holds so many memories. Not just of the things we do there as a family but also all the little things. The things that are “just the cottage”. Things that we only see when we are there. Many are discarded items that Nan and Gramps or Marilyn or mom and dad didn’t want at home anymore and now they have become part of the cottage. Things that now remind me of Nan and Gramps. As time goes on, we are learning to let go. I am so glad that we have the pictures to remind us of them. Because they are a big deal. They mean comfort. They mean home. They mean family. They mean the cottage. That is a big deal.
The bottom journaling lists the significance of each item:
1 Nan’s writing on the bathroom pipe 2 The homemade “guitar” 3 McKirdy’s black fly repellent – stinky but very effective 4 The library of books in the built in shelf 5 The peel ‘n stick flooring. 6 The collection of Archie and Family Circus comic books 7 The countertops 8 The Indian picture 9 The happy face garbage pail 10 Old sheets 11 The drawer full of twist ties, elastics and paper products no one can ever throw out 12Tthe drawer liners in the kitchen cupboards 13 The Nivea container with Nan’s writing that holds cotton balls 14 The key holder with dad’s writing 15 The sauna fire 16 An old tea pot that found a new home 17 The three legged stool that is too tippy to use 18 A knick knack that has always been here 19The old green chair 20 The kitchen cupboards 21 The sauna buckets 22 The red bedspreads 23 Another knick knack 24 A picture given to Gramps from his work 25 The fireplace tools we were never allowed to play with 26 The mirror 27Assorted glasses 28 The green floor 29 Another picture given to Gramps
There are so many more....Pheww! TFL!
2012 - P366 Week 5
13 years ago
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