Did everyone have a good St Patty's Day? I can't say that I have thought too much of this holiday a lot in the past (Other than going out for a green beer at the local Irish pub downtown)but it is certainly more fun with the kids around. When they are around. It seems that it always falls on March Break and this time they were at a sleepover and then a movie with family. But I celebrated quietly by myself until everyone got together for dinner.
We've been green for about a week
We've been green for about a week

Dinner was quite festive though I must say. The table was all decked out in green,

- green mashed potatoes
- green broccoli
- green peas
- ham (couldn't make it green but I have an idea for ground beef next year)
- chocolate mint chipit ice cream
- lime jello with whipped cream
I did a quick reading on the history of St Patrick and why it is celebrated today. I love that we can celebrate a simple holiday with a simple Christian message.

The kids also got a goody bag with tattoos, St Patrick's Day buttons, green shoestring licorice, green mini marshmallows, green jelly bellys and mint Aero chocolate bars. They were a big hit. Simple and sweet!
Go Green!
Yum. We had crockpot corned beef and cabbage with mashed potatoes - super easy. Adobe has a PDF maker - I think you can download some versions for free. It can solve a lot of those font/typeset gliches.