Thursday, August 9, 2012


Welcome to M4 – Mackale Brooks.  Our family is now complete! He was born via c-section on Monday, July 9th at 12:55pm.  He weighed 8 lbs 9 oz and was 22” long.  We had a very restful stay at the hospital in a private room and were discharged on Thursday around noon. 

Some further observations:

·         Having number 4 was quite different from the others as I guess they assume you know what you are doing. I had much fewer interruptions and definitely less teachings (if any?). 

·         Mackale has been an easy baby from the get-go and we are all enjoying him immensely.  I hate to say it but I think he has been the easiest out of all of them. Does that mean he is an easy going child or am I just that much more comfortable with being a parent and know what to do? 

·         It has also been the best recovery-wise for me.  Again, is my body just taking care of itself or am I just more aware and know what to do?

·         I also got my tubes tied – and it feels like more people are asking if that will be all.  Even my own kids are asking for another one.  Crazy!  I would gladly have more but felt that our doctor felt that 4 c-sections was enough.  I did read on the internet that some people in the US have had 8 and 9.  Not too common up here from what I gather.  Although our Dr did say that I was in really good shape inside and had healed nicely.  I hate to say it but it does make you think.  Except that I will still be 40 next month.  Oh yes, that was the other factor. 

·         We have made do with significantly less supplies.  The only equipment we have used in the first month are a bassinet, car seat, bath tub, diapers, diaper wipes, clothes, blankets, sling, double-long stroller. 

·         We asked to not receive any gifts as we already have all that we need.  We hate to put him into that 4th child situation but it really is true – by the time #4 comes around you either have all you need or you realize you never needed it in the first place.  
Month 1

Physical - You are currently weighing about 8-15oz.  You appear to be right in the middle of the norms. You are wearing newborn clothing and have outgrown your first onesie.  We have kept your clothing VERY simple – with the warm weather you have only worn short sleeve onesies and we have about 5 that we have rotated through.  This is quite the change from big brother Matthew – one of the joys of being number 4!

Outings, significant events in the month – We’ve been to church a few times and saw lots of our church family.  We also met up with our MOPS friends at the water fountains.  We went to the Jones cottage for a weekend. Aunt Sarah and Macy came up from South Carolina.  Lots of people visited us at home.

Health, dental (Dr appointments, illnesses, milestones) – 2 Dr appointments for a goopy left eye for the first few weeks and we tried an antibiotic cream for it which didn’t seem to work.  Finally we just let it take its course and it eventually cleared up. Otherwise everything has been typical for a one month old.

Sleep routine – You are having two long naps during the day and seem to be having a good long one at night.  Regardless, we have been sleeping together for the most part on the couch (easier to sit up and not disturb daddy in the middle of the night) – and it is working well.   Mommy feels rested once she is finally awake (now if you can just get Mitchell to sleep in a little longer J)

Elimination routine – yeah, we haven’t started taking you to the potty yet but we are noticing that you don’t like being wet or dirty and cry about it (who wouldn’t?).  We are changing you as often as we notice - which is quite frequent.  We are going the cloth route again and haven’t had any issues – probably doing a load every three or four days.  Thank you Aunt Sarah for all of the diapers!

Eating – likes, dislikes, schedule – Just me!  You are eating well, we had no beginning issues at all.  You are frequently falling asleep during a feed but that is okay.  You do lots of cluster feeding before bed and in the morning but since you are sleeping 4-5 hours I am fine with that!

Things you like/ dislike – objects, things to do, entertainment.  Now as your first month comes to a close you are actually awake and alert a bit more.  We love to see your deep blue eyes and see the faces you are making.  You seem to be more comfortable in the car seat than in the bassinet but ultimately prefer being held or in the sling.  Daddy finds that you like walking with you in a football hold around the house when I need him to hold you.  All of your siblings love to pat your head and give you kisses.  Marlee asks daily to hold you. 

It has been a lovely month getting to know you little man!  I am trying to take it all in and relax and really enjoy this time with you – especially knowing that you are our last.  I feel sad about this in some ways but it is encouraging me to take each day as the blessing that it is!  I love the faces you make and the softness of your head and skin.  I love the way you smell!  I love that my own recovery has been steady and good.  Some days I have been a little sore at the end of the day but we have been able to take it easy the next day.  I especially love that it is summer time and we have no set agendas – all the better to enjoy this time with our family.  We are so thankful that you were born healthy and safe and have transitioned into our family with such ease. We are blessed!

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