Thursday, April 2, 2009

Goodbye ER

I'm sitting here watching the final episode of ER. So many emotions. I can't believe it has been on for 15 years. I'm pretty sure that I've seen most of them too! It is now 11:13 and the final is 2 hours long and I am insisting that Drew stay up to watch the end. I feel like it is a historic moment. We just saw the recap episode before the finale and it brought back all of the reasons why I love this show. I'm pretty sure that I cried while watching most of them. Both in joy and in sadness. I was continuously reminded of how frail and beautiful life is. How we as people are given talents and what we can do with them, with God's help. We are still human and we make mistakes and we try to do our best. As one of the characters said, it's the humanity of the show that really resonated with me. It's now 11:38 and I've lost Drew - and now I'm at the part with a mom having trouble after giving birth - reminding of the season with Dr Green losing the mom in one of the earlier seasons. I'm going to have to go - it requires my whole attention, but suffice it to say, I'm going to miss this show. Yes it's only a tv show but hey, I'm a sucker for dramas.

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