- [20 lbs 10 oz] (December 11th)
- 28.25"
- wearing 9 and 12 month clothing [prefers nakey butt though =)]
- scooting around commando style
- sitting well - working on transitioning from sitting to moving
- not overly interested in being contained (jumperoo or exersaucer)
- very easy going temperament - generally only cries when he needs something; everyone comments on how happy he is
- waving and clapping, heil (close to "all done" and "more"?)
- Sleep routine (2 1/2 - 3 hour morning nap; 1 hour late afternoon nap; down for bed between 7-8:30 at night; feeding at midnight and 4:30 am; up at 6 am) Not everyone's dream but I'm happy with it.
- nursing on demand and doing baby led weaning - trying basically all of the foods that we eat. No more puree!
- EC - getting hits most mornings, selfishly missing poops at the end of his naps - he seems to make a sound (probably going then, and then settles for 1/2 hour more sleep!). He is now scooting around on the floor ON his potty - cute! He really likes nakey butt time and squawks when I put his diaper on.
- gained teeth #3,4 (13th and 15th)
- first antibiotic for infection inside right cheek (December 11th)
- first fever
- first time stayed home with Nana and YaYa while we went to evening Christmas party 6-10pm
- first time meeting cousin Macy
- first Christmas - loved the paper and his noisy toys
Saddened by the loss of babies in the blogworld I read this week - I am forever grateful for this little guy in our lives and that we have the love of God eternally. We all love you buddy!!!
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