1. jewelery holder - up and in use at the back of our storage closet in our bedroom
3. Kids art work
4. Plastic bag recycling
5. Sort Matt’s outgrown clothing for Mitchell
6. Purge kids toys in playroom - didn't get to this one. Hopefully they can help me this month
7. Receipts
8. Cierra’s receipts
9. Cierra’s inventory - still want to go back a few years and enter dates received but not a big deal for now (Doesn't it look nice and organized? I now have a list of everything she owns)
10. Label Cierra’s photo albums
11. Sort scrapbooking letters a-z
12. Scrapbooking inspiration files - still need more sorting but they are in hanging files and contained
13. Get rid of VHS tapes (this pained me to know they will be sitting in a landfill for eternity but on the other hand they are out of my house. Another reminder of why we are buying a LOT less DVD's and books when we can borrow them instead).
15. Cierra's magnet boards (immediately covered with some pictures of Twilight)
17. Cierra morning routine pictures
18. Mitchell’s food list
19. Update health books
20. Print out family mission statement - it is printed but ideally I want to scrapbook it and frame it - later=)
21. Mitchell’s dev’t list
22. Scrapbook pages into albums
23. Label LOM albums
24. Marlee’s 6 year photos in frame
25. Move frames upstairs
26. Kids school photos in frames – still waiting for Marlee's photos to come back from school
27. Dust hallway landing –thanks Drew!
28. Pull out fridge and clean
29. Safe church – something! –bought band aids, band aid bags and booked a date for training
30. FORGET IT!!!! I did do LOTS of other stuff
like... making bum wipes for a soon-to-be-new mom
...and FINALLY fixed this wood project that I am NEVER going to do. I think I got it about 5 years ago and planned on painting "As for me and my house we will serve the Lord" Yeah - my style has changed and it is not going to happen. Of course then it fell apart and I can't even give it to Goodwill that way. So it sat. Until this week. Bye bye!
and more.
So what does December bring? Advent and Daily December or something along those lines.
A birthday or two. A visit from my sister and her family (and my new niece!) and hopefully back to some me time.
What has this taught me? What does procrastination serve? Most of these tasks didn't take very long and some, like the receipts, take even more time the longer you wait. In my "ideal life" I devote a night every week for finishing up certain projects. And as usual, it doesn't often happen! Oh well, it did this time.
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